Federal and State Regulatory information:
Basic life support requirements.
BLS educational requirements are governed by your credentialing source and the state licensing board requirements which govern your practice and patient care guidelines.
Note: Front desk personnel should be trained in BLS CPR and the use of an AED due to the possibility that patients in the waiting area may experience cardiac arrest and will likely be met first with the non-medical office staff. The first employee to arrive at the side of the SCA patient should be knowledgeable in patient assessment and initiate compressions immediately, without delay for the SCA patient. Once medical staff arrive, they may be relieved of their duties if enough staff are present to adequately provide compressions, use the AED and ventilate with the BVM/oxygen provided.
OSHA requirements for general workplaces.
Legal requirements vary throughout the country, and across various industries. OSHA states:
“In the absence of an infirmary, clinic, or hospital in near proximity to the workplace which is used for the treatment of all injured employees, a person or persons shall be adequately trained to render first aid. Adequate first aid supplies shall be readily available.”
Bloodborne Pathogens Standard
(29 CFR 1910.1030)
This is the most frequently requested and referenced OSHA standard affecting medical and dental offices. Some basic requirements of the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens standard include:
- A written exposure control plan, to be updated annually
- Use of universal precautions
- Consideration, implementation, and use of safer, engineered needles and sharps
- Use of engineering and work practice controls and appropriate personal protective equipment (gloves, face and eye protection, gowns)
- Hepatitis B vaccine provided to exposed employees at no cost
- Medical follow-up in the event of an “exposure incident”
- Use of labels or color-coding for items such as sharps disposal boxes and containers for regulated waste, contaminated laundry, and certain specimens.
- Employee training.
- Proper containment of all regulated waste
Have questions about our CPR, BLS, or First Aid training for assisted living and nursing homes? Our team at Code 3 Safety & Training is ready to assist.
Whether you’re looking to schedule a session or need more information for your assisted living center or nursing home, reach out to us today. We’re here to ensure your staff is fully prepared to handle any emergency with confidence.